dalam kondisi anaerob lebih cepat dibandingkan aerob, namun demikian dihasilkan amina aromatik yang bersifat lebih toksik dibanding zat warna itu sendiri (Sastrawidana, 2012).Ĭontact glow discharged electrolysis is a kind of electrochemical process in which plasma is sustained by dc glow discharged between an electrode and the surface of the electrolyte (Gao, et.al., 2002). Degradasi zat warna azo oleh bakteri Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., dan Flavobacterium sp. Independent of the initial dye concentration, ozonization process ineffective for the reduction in COD and TOC, usually not exceeding 50 and 40 %, respectively (Balasubramanyan, 2014). Hassaan, et.al (2017) menyatakan bahwa proses oksidasi zat pewarna direct blue 86 yang dilakukan pada pH 11, menggunakan ozon efektif mendegradasi zat pewarna (konsentrasi 100 ppm) hingga 98% pada menit ke-35. Ozon decolorized the colour of dye, especially fiber acid and reactive dye effectively. In this method, the production of hydroxyl radical was generated from H2O2, ozone, oxidants in combination with using ultraviolet or photo-catalysis (Khrisnan, et.al 2017). Membrane process have major disvantages such as a high price, limited lifetime, and the high cost of periodic replacement (Sharma, 2015).ĪOPs based on the generation of very reactive species such as hydroxyl radicals have been proposed to oxidize quickly and none selectively a broad range of organic pollutants (Khataee, et.al, 2010). Both of adsorption and coagulation process do not destroy the dyes, they rather result in phase transfer of the pollutant, and hence ultimate sludge disposal remains an unsolved problem (Kamel, 2011). Adsorption process using activated charcoal as adsorbent on the basis of different factors (temperature, contact duration, adsorbent dosage and agitator speed) indicated that maximum removal for colour (90%), BOD5 (81.0%) and COD (87.6%) was noted in adsorbent dose of 11 g/L (Aleem, et.al 2016). High concentrations of metals in the sludge limit the suitability for its disposal to land and the large quantities of bound water make dewatering and transport difficult and expensive (Keeley, et.al, 2014). Coagulation-flocculation method requires a large quantity of chemical and produces an even greater volume of sludge.

All these processes have some advantages or disadvantages over the other methods (Khataee, 2010). Various methods have been suggested to handle the dye removal from water such as biodegradation, coagulation, adsorption, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and the membrane process. Many azo dyes from wastewater and their breakdown products are toxic and/or mutagenic to various forms of life and may cause a significant impact on human health due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic effects (Kamel, 2011, Lu 2010). Release of residual azo dye into industrial effluents deteriorates the water quality because of their color which result in aesthetic problems and affects photosynthesis in aquatic plants (Camargo, et.al, 2013 Kamel, 2011, Lu 2010). Azo dye has a chromophore system of the azo group (-N=N-), which binds to the aromatic group. Azo dyes represent a major class of synthetic colorants that are both mutagenic and carcinogenic (Waghmode et al., 2012).

The most commonly used synthetic dyes in textile, food, papermaking and cosmetic industries are azo dyes (Kamel, R.H, 2011). As a consequence, there is an increase of environmental contamination caused by the large amount of dyes involved in the textile process that are discharged in the liquid effluents (Torralba 2009). Proces efficiency for Remazol Red RR, Remazol Yellow FG and Remazol Brilliant Blue were : 11,520 24,412.5 and 8,820 kJ/mmol, respectively INTRODUCTIONĭuring manufacturing and processing in the textile industry there are a large quantities of dyes used lost to the effluents (Akyol, et.al 2004). Air injection was increased a percentage of decolorization Remazol Red RR up to 46.7% in 180 min. The objective of this study was to investigate decolorization process of the textile dyes Remazol Red RR, Remazol Yellow FG and Remazol Brilliant Violet with an air injection using CGDE method. Contact Glow Discharged Electrolysis (CGDE) is a plasma electrolysis methode has proved to treat organic wastewater effectively.